Supportive people with autism
Embracing our differences
The Orange Foundation has been a pioneer in supporting people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and their families since 1991. We strongly believe that differences benefit society, and we support initiatives enabling people with autism to express their full potential and find their place in society, allowing the community to benefit from their individuality.
Our programs
Promoting learning and training to encourage autonomy and self-determination
Recognizing that people with autism can learn and thrive throughout their lives with appropriate tools and support, we support initiatives that enable them to study, pursue selected and customized vocational training, and complete a vocational skills program leading to employment. More broadly, we support collective projects that help people with ASD to build their future.
Diversifying approaches and encouraging social ties
To encourage learning, diversify activities, encourage diversity and social ties, we help organizations that support people with autism to get tailored tools and equipment.
Championing music as a means to progress, thrive and meet others
Reduced anxiety, improved communication, forming ties... music has many benefits for people with autism. That is why we support long-term projects allowing people with ASD to access and enjoy music and singing that can be replicated elsewhere.
# Call for projects The Autism call for projects live !
Do you have a project that empowers people with autism by allowing them to learn better and develop their capabilities and potential? Find out more!
# Committed employees with Volontaires pour les personnes avec Autisme
“It’s rewarding for me to try and do something for that child. I feel like I am being useful, and it's very satisfying to see their progress and support their parents from time to time.” Like this Orange Group employee, around 120 volunteers offer their free time to support people with autism through the Volontaires pour les personnes avec Autisme association (Association VA). Interested? Contact the Volontaires pour les personnes avec Autisme association
# Supported project Fab Lab JB Thierry
Located at the heart of a center welcoming people with ASD, the Les MacGyver FabLab is built on three core principles: learn, share and create. This facility offers relaxation, distraction and group projects whilst encouraging inclusion – but also reverse inclusion, as it is open to everyone: residents, families, professionals and institution partners.
“I really struggled to join the workforce, it was very stressful... Being employed here has allowed me to gain self-confidence and prove to myself that I was capable. "
Watch the testimonial from Sébastien, who has Asperger’s.
He found a job at the community store Witoa, supported by the Orange Foundation.
A Review of the Orange Foundation's commitment
A long-standing figure in autism, the Orange Foundation has worked since 1991 to encourage awareness of autism and improve the lives and education of people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). After funding research, the Foundation focused on two priorities: including people with ASD and developing digital support tools.
A pioneering commitment
1991 : Launch of the Autism philanthropic intiative
2500 projets soutenus in France and Africa, including more than 200 research programs for a total of 30 million euros.
Including people with autism
Access to housing, education or a job... we have funded inclusion projects for people with ASD which have benefited more than 3,500 people each year.
Autism and digital
Since 2012, we have supported the sector to deploy digital tools: kitting out organizations, helping develop applications and content to support people and their friends and family, training in using new technologies...