How the Foundation works



The Orange Foundation is led by its Managing Director, Hafida Guenfoud, who reports to its Deputy Chair, Caroline Guillaumin (find out more).

The team works closely with a global network of Orange Foundations to develop initiatives addressing local needs, whilst following the guidelines determined by the Board of Directors.

Selection Committees
Selection committees are set up for each call for projects. They are chaired by the Managing Director and consist of internal experts and qualified individuals. They examine the applications submitted and select those to be presented to the Foundation's Board of Directors for overall approval.

Project selection
The Orange Foundation publishes calls for projects, allowing it to receive hundreds of projects each year linked to its programs. Following a project selection and examination process, it chooses initiatives from a number of applications, and around 7 million euros are awarded each year in France and worldwide.
To set a positive example and remain transparent, we have set up selection committees. These committees meet two to four times a year. Their members include qualified individuals chosen for their skills in the field in question, as well as Orange employees.
In total, more than 25 people work with us.

Each of the philanthropic projects selected is subject to an agreement, monitoring and an assessment.