Call for projects schedule

Does your project fit into one of our programs: Access to education – Access to culture and the stage – Supporting people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), and are you located in one of the countries where the Orange Foundation operates?
Apply for one of our calls for projects.   


Our programs allow young people in need to get involved in a group project by making a specific object that meets the need of an association, company, town council or a sustainable development goal.

Calls for projects

  •  Soon

Our programs support the professional development of young artists, encourage musical production and performance in all regions, and enable people with limited access to culture to enjoy music and art.

Calls for projects

  • Soon

To improve people’s lives and encourage social and professional inclusion, we support projects enabling people with ASD to develop their capabilities, potential and professional skills.

Calls for projects

  • Soon

Principes of involvement

Over the years, the Orange Foundation has set out some clear principles of involvement: establishing long-term programs, a transparent selection process and combining different types of support (grants, voluntary skills sharing, networking, etc.)


Long-term actions
The Orange Foundation establishes long-term initiatives. We have a long-standing commitment to education, culture and autism, even if programs change over time. Sustainability is also a key criterion for supported projects: the Orange Foundation prioritizes projects that are long-term.

Calls for projects
Each year, our team launches calls for projects presented to the Foundation’s Board of Directors for approval. All calls for projects have their own schedule and a list of criteria.

However, all calls for projects have the same cross-cutting criteria:

  •     Sponsorship should not replace the missions of the State and authorities
  •     The Foundation supports public interest projects outside the commercial sphere
  •     The project must be specific, dated, costed, and take place in the geographic area defined in the call for projects
  •     In line with its corporate purpose, the Foundation does not support any political party or trade union organization
  •     Collective projects: individual projects are not supported, nor are projects by associations created to defend the cause of an individual.

Project procedure
Each submitted project is carefully studied and follows a strict procedure.

Our support
We are committed to supporting projects with all the means at our disposal:

  • Financiel or material support
  • Networking with Orange employees for volunteering or skills sharing
  • Organizing networking events, capitalization events...