Published on 25 January 2022

Autism: the digital projects we are supporting in 2022

Having been committed to autism for over 30 years, we encourage innovative initiatives to help autistic people and their families. Digital technology very quickly showed its potential to facilitate learning and integration. It is also essential to find assistance or receive training "in autism", especially in a period with health restrictions. Here are the main projects that we have selected and decided to finance in 2022.

E-learning to train 500 families

Auticiel’s "Aidants 3.0" (Carers 3.0) project will provide families and their autistic child with training to discover and use digital tools. With what aim? To give each family digital resources that will make their daily lives easier and make their autistic child more independent. This program combines e-learning training, three supervised sessions each lasting an hour, and the provision of resources tailored to each situation. Following a successful trial with 100 families in 2021, our support will enable 500 more families to take advantage of the program, from January to November 2022.



Cap’FALC: digital and social innovation for integration

Cap’FALC is an innovative platform that helps to translate into Easy Read (FALC in French), which aims to make people with learning difficulties or autism less isolated and excluded by improving their access to information via wider use of Easy Read. Cap’FALC aims to improve the transcribers’ capacity to produce even more documents that comply with the Easy Read format.

Digital equipment essential to new initiatives across the country

Over 40 not-for-profit organizations spread across the whole of France have asked the Foundation for help to bring about an integration project or to improve daily life using digital equipment.
Our selection committee made up of autism experts (outside Orange) and members of the Orange Foundation chose to support initiatives such as:

  • Using tablets to facilitate the concentration and academic and social learning of verbal and non-verbal autistic children, some of whom have no access to schooling, and adults who could make progress with more tailored support shared with the families.
  • Creating multi-sensory spaces (like interactive floors, etc.) that are fun and educational, with motion sensors, interactive video projectors, etc. that encourage children to move, concentrate, work together, etc.
  • Training to create "FALC" (Easy Read) documents to provide more reading material to certain autistic people or people with neurodevelopmental disorders.
  • Help creating a web agency, ATYPICO, with a personalized educational approach to help each employee to complete assignments, develop skills and gain independence at their own pace. The aim is for each employee to ultimately find permanent employment in a company.
  • Creating tour guide applications for museums in Lille and Lyon, with interactive games and virtual routes adapted to autistic spectrum disorders (ASD).
  • Creating an eye-controlled tool whose software enables non-verbal motor-impaired autistic people to interact with their carers.

The Orange Foundation provides €345,000 in funding

To implement all these actions that rely on digital technology, we are giving our partners (*) €345,000. We support and encourage other forms of day-to-day assistance and training that rely on digital technology In addition to these digital projects, every year we also support the creation of specially-adapted housing, and work-based integration programs.




(*) Auticiel, la Fondation des associations Dr Gibert, le Foyer des robinsons, le Centre Hospitalier Bretagne Atlantique, Sésame Autisme Cher, EAM Saint Vincent, Les Papillons Blancs, La Providence, UGECAM, UNAPEI, AMMRED, AGAPEI, UNAPEI, ADAPEI 36, Institut Marie Thérèse Solacroup, le Musée d’Art Moderne le Lille Métropole, le Musée des Beaux Arts de la Ville de Lyon, etc.