WikiChallenge 2024

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Published on 16 July 2024

The krio's Print Dress

Dele Preparatory School

Sierra Leone

The Krio people in Sierra Leone have a unique dress code well known among its woman called "Print dress". The Krios arrived in Sierra Leone during the colonial period. They were a combination of free slaves from different parts of the world coming to settle in Sierra Leone. The first group (black poor) were the first to arrive in Sierra Leone from England, the Nova Scotians from Canada, the Maroons in 1800 from Jamaican and the Re-captives from seas. The Krio language is made up of words from English, Portuguese, French, Yoruba,Temne,Limba, Mandingo etc.

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Orange Foundation Digital Schools, supporting education for the underprivileged

To combat educational inequalities around the world, the Orange Foundation has come up with a scheme to help schools in need of books and digital equipment. The aim? To provide digital access to education for children who do not have access to books or the Internet, to ensure real equality of opportunities.

In concrete terms, with the Digital Schools program, we equip schools with digital kits comprising tablets, computers, video projectors and educational content (lessons, educational games, videos, digital books, etc.) that can be accessed even without an Internet connection. Today, 1,700 schools are equipped and over 600,000 students are supported every year in 19 countries.