Published on 02 June 2020

Saving lives - our aid arrives in 18 countries

Committed to the social and professional integration of young people and women through digital technology, we also develop health programmes where they are needed in Africa and the Middle East. From the start of the pandemic, we urgently organised material and financial aid in 18 countries to save lives. Despite the disruptions to international air and sea traffic, our aid is beginning to arrive and benefit the most vulnerable.

Urgent material and financial aid

To limit the Covid-19 epidemic, we organised the production of health protection kits in China including masks, gels, gloves, protective visors, electronic thermometers, etc. and had them delivered to hospitals in each country. The kits protect healthcare workers and other professionals on the frontline.

On a continent where the survival of millions of people depends on small trades, a sudden halt to the economy and traffic can endanger a large part of the population. This is why we have also provided humanitarian associations with financial aid to care for and feed the main economic victims of the pandemic, via our local Orange Foundations.

Nearly €3 million including the purchase and delivery of equipment
Ultimately, we provided a total of €120,000 in aid per country in Africa and the Middle East through the Orange Foundation, in addition to the major solidarity initiatives Orange has taken locally.




Digital solidarity in Africa, the Middle East and Europe

Our international network of Solidarity FabLabs showed all their enthusiasm and solidarity early on in the crisis by developing visors for healthcare workers. So we decided to financially support 52 of the Solidarity FabLabs, which were keen to start producing the visors. The exceptional mobilisation of the teams and the digital equipment has produced 220,000 visors in ten different countries: Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Egypt, Madagascar, Democratic Republic of Congo, Senegal, Tunisia, France, Poland, and Spain.

In Europe, the Orange Foundation’s emergency assistance has been divided between aid for caregivers and support for digital education, and support for the most isolated.

En Europe, les aides d’urgence de la Fondation Orange se sont réparties entre l’aide aux soignants et le soutien aux actions d’éducation numérique, et de soutien aux plus isolés.

